Small Group Leaders
The training and appointing of leaders for the 3 types of small groups at Waypoint.
The Primary Leaders - Church Elders
What is the role of Elder at the church and how does a church go about electing Elders?
Does Baptism Need to be by Immersion?
Why do Presbyterian churches often sprinkle and pour water during baptism? Take a look at the different ways baptism is pictured in the scriptures.
Overall: Church Roles and Leadership
Across denominations and throughout history, churches have had a variety of roles and positions. These range from priests, nuns, pastors, deacons, elders, bishops, ministers, evangelists, staff members and administrators. It can be quite confusing. In this article, I'd like to simplify these titles and positions by focusing on the leadership roles described in the New Testament.
Biblical Foundations for the Role of Deacon
Exploring the Old and New Testament to better understand the role of Deacon at the local church.
Faith and Work
We were made by God to work! We create and provide and order and rule over God’s creation in our work. We reveal who God is in our work. Work is hard because of the fall not because of something inherently wrong with work itself. We are now working to help push back sin and reveal God’s kingdom—a kingdom free from frustrated work.
What’s My Parish?
God designed us to be loved by him and loved by others. If you are moving toward God and toward others, you are headed toward integration and renewal. But to turn from him toward isolation will lead to disintegration and decay. We were designed to be known and loved.
What is a Reformed Presbyterian Church?
In order for that answer to make sense, you have to know what the words reformed, presbyterian, and church mean!
Passing Through the Waters of Baptism into Church Community
What do we believe about baptism? How is Baptism in the New Testament connected to the Old Testament?
Small Groups 103: Flourishing Groups
Waypoint’s Flourishing Groups exist to organize and initiate works of restoration in our community.
Intro: Waypoint’s Values
How to name the broken parts of our area, and name and describe the ways the gospel will renew that brokenness.