Small Group Leaders

We have 3 different types of small groups at Waypoint Church: Support teams (that help run Sunday morning worship), Discipleship cohorts (small groups that help people follow Christ more deeply outside of Sunday), and Flourishing groups (that get involved in our local community bringing flourishing to our world)

In order to serve as leaders of the groups, we want leaders to go through our small group leaders class. This class focuses more on the heart posture and spiritual maturity of the leader and less on the actual skills and tasks of leading in their roles. This is because the bible emphasizes the faith and character of leaders in the church way above talent and skills. 

After spending time understanding what it means to lead in the church, what it means to be the chief repenter and chief believer in a group, what it means to lead out of a place of spiritual maturity, leaders then take a self-examination on how well they are living out the 6 values of our church. They then meet with a church elder to discuss their role as a small group leader. If all that goes well they are then appointed to serve as small group leaders!


Women’s Care Team


The Primary Leaders - Church Elders