About Us

We are united with the historic Christian church as expressed in the Apostles and Nicene Creed.
We are a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a denomination with roots in the Protestant Reformation and grounded in the Westminster Standards.
Creeds & Confessions

Gospel Reorientation for the Suburbs | Why? Because the suburbs are just as broken as the rest of our city. We live in neighborhoods where no one knows their neighbors, the commuter mentality leads to little sense of place, and a desire for safety and freedom from reliance on others has left us isolated and lonely. Many are stuck in an endless cycle of striving, trying to prove themselves by their performance and achievement. But the gospel offers a better way—identity, belonging, hope, and deep purpose in Christ.
Waypoint Church exists to help people find rest in God’s love, restore wholeness to our lives through Christ, and work toward the flourishing of our neighborhoods, our city, and the nations.
A waypoint is “a reference point that serves as an intermediate stop to reorient along a journey. “
A Reference Point | A place that points us back to God's goodness and love for us.
An Intermediate Stop | A place to belong while we pass through this city and this world toward eternity with God.
A Stop to Reorient | To slow down, rest up, and reorient our hearts and lives around the gospel.
Along a Journey | A reminder that we haven’t arrived and are trusting God as our stories unfold.

Our Values