Women’s Care Team

The vision of the Women’s Care Team is to nurture a culture of gospel-centered care, to act as a resource to Waypoint leadership in their care of women, and to walk alongside and pray for our sisters through the joys and difficulties of life.

Many churches realize the need to appoint godly women to assist the Elders in their work as they oversee the shepherding of the congregation. This type of group goes by various names, but at Waypoint they are called the Women’s Care Team (WCT). 

The WCT desires to foster a culture of care that expands beyond just who is currently on the team. They don’t just care for women of the church, they help women of the church know how to care for each other! They also seek to continue to encourage other women in the church to care for those in need of encouragement and prayer. 

What kind of things can the WCT help you with?

  • They might join a shepherding meeting along with an elder to help provide a female perspective on the reasons for the meeting.

  • If you need prayer and want to talk to a woman about an issue, but want to talk with someone who you can trust has been trained and commissioned to serve in a caring role.

  • If you want to talk to the elders about an issue but that seems intimidating or you are afraid your viewpoint won’t be heard, you can ask the WCT to come with you at a Session meeting.

Also the WCT serves as advisors to the session to ensure that both male and female perspectives are heard when the elders make church wide decisions.  We see the need for women to aid the elders in caring for the unique challenges and needs of women in the church.

The WCT meets about once a month to pray for the women at Waypoint, discuss books together, and practice coming alongside one another. Meetings are open to any women who would like to be prayed over for any reason. 


Small Group Leaders