What’s in a name?

Waypoint Church: The dictionary defines waypoint as "a reference point that serves as an intermediate stop to reorient along a journey." We think the name Waypoint Church carries a lot of meaning for us as Christ-followers:

  • A Reference Point: In the Old Testament, many of the wells and stone altars built by God's people served as waypoints. They were meant to be not only physical landmarks, but tangible reminders of God's provision and protection. As a church, we want to serve as a reference point and reminder of God's goodness and love for us.  

  • Intermediate Stop: By definition, a waypoint is a stop along the way but it is never the final destination. As believers, we know this earth is not our home; it is simply an temporary stop on the journey to our true home. As travelers passing through, we are called to love and invest in our city and our neighbors while we're here, but we're reminded that we're on our way to the new city - an eternity in the new heavens and new earth with our Father God. (The concept of an intermediate and temporary stop also carries dual meaning with those who move frequently, like many of our target demographic who are in the military or otherwise fairly transient. While they may only be here for a few years before moving on, this waypoint is an important chapter in their journey and story.)

  • Stop to Reorient: A waypoint serves as a place to rest and reorient. There we can slow down, rest up, and assess where we are and where we're going. For us this means a place to rest in God's love and reorient our hearts around the gospel. Sometimes is also means we need to change direction if we find that we aren't following the path God wants for us. 

  • Along a Journey: This reminds us that we haven't arrived yet. We each have our own stories and journeys unfolding, but the best part is knowing that Jesus is with us and is at work in and through us along the way.

In order to live out the meaning behind our name, there are a few distinctives that we try to live up to, that help us be a waypoint for people in their spiritual journey.

Easy On-ramps | Learning to embrace those who may only be with us for a short time

  • A welcoming community for the transient

  • We need to assess our own hearts too…are we willing to let others in even though we know it will hurt when it’s time for them to leave? 

  • Quick on-ramps into our lives & willingness/availability to connect with others 

Purposefully Under-programmed | As a church, we don’t want to contribute further to the overly-busy and achievement-driven mindset

  • Desire is to equip people to live out their faith on the frontlines

  • Freeing people's time to be present God and with others, not further decreasing their already low margin with a lot of church programs

  • Focused on helping people do what they already do but with greater intentionality

  • Do what we do simply & focus on our mission/values

Support for the Scattered | Relationships not programs

  • Isolation is solved by depth not breadth; emphasis on deep relationships/friendships to sustain us on the frontlines of life (a few people who know you well enough for you to be open, willingly challenged, supported/loved) 

  • Provide solid roots to equip and encourage us as we go out into our parishes


Getting Connected at Waypoint