Getting Connected at Waypoint

It can be challenging to connect in a new church and build new relationships, so we want to help make it easier here at Waypoint Church. In fact, that concept is built into our name! A waypoint is defined as a “stop along a journey,” and since we know many of the people who come through our doors may only be here in the Springs for a short season, we want to embrace that reality and work to create easy on-ramps into community. Here’s how to get started:


Your first stop | Pastor’s Coffee

If you’re new to Waypoint or simply want to know more, we encourage you to stick around for a Pastor’s Coffee. These are held directly worship on the first Sunday of the month. You’ll have a chance to meet Pastor Steve, ask questions, and learn more about the church and how to get plugged in.


Be “In the Know” | Church Center

One of the easiest ways to get connected is to hop onto Church Center. This is one of our primary means of communication as a church, and it’s where you’ll find our church calendar, information about groups, and several message boards that we use to chat and engage with one another throughout the week. Creating your profile in Church Center will automatically add you to our weekly email announcements as well. You can join us from your internet browser or download the Church Center app on your mobile device.

Church Center Online

Download the Church Center App (search for Waypoint Church in Colorado Springs to find us)

Go Deeper | Discipleship Cohorts

Discipleship cohorts are short-term small groups that gather to learn and grow together. Each is focused on around a specific topic, application, book or book of the Bible. We run on a semester rotation (spring, summer & fall) and each semester we’ll have a new round of cohorts you can choose to participate in. This is a great way to meet new people and dig deeper in your faith!

Discipleship Cohorts Explained

Join a Discipleship Cohort


Pitch In | Support Teams

Support Teams are the foundation of the ministry at Waypoint, and it’s these groups of people who make Sunday morning worship happen each week! Joining a team is a great way to use your gifts and it’s also a great way to connect with others as you serve alongside one another in the church. We schedule these teams quarterly. 

Support Teams Explained

Join as Support Team

Give Back | Flourishing Groups

Flourishing Groups work to bring restoration to our neighborhoods, city and the world. We gather in the church to experience renewal so that we would be scattered out back into the world to bring glimpses of renewal into the world. Joining one of these teams, and serving along other is a great way to connect and give back to the community around us.

Learn more about these teams

Join a Flourishing Group

Your next step | CHURCH Membership

If you decide Waypoint is the place for you, the next step is to join the church as a member. We hold a membership class several times throughout the year. If you’re interested in jumping in on the next class, let Pastor Steve know!

Learn more about Church Membership


Why Plant Churches?


What’s in a name?